3 Ways To Establish And Maintain Healthy Work-Life Balance

I feel like my family gets the short end of the stick. I never have time to do the things I love to do. Work is always calling me and I have to answer.

These are things I hear regularly from leaders around the world. There’s never enough time to get work and life done. One or the other gets neglected.

What if I told you it didn’t have to be this way? What if you could accomplish everything you needed at work and still spend time with loved ones doing what you love?

It’s possible. Not only is it possible but it’s something you need to do.

Man walking across a chasm. Walking a tightrope.

Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

3 Ways To Establish And Maintain Healthy Work-Life Balance

In this article, we will look at 3 ways you can establish and maintain a healthy work-life balance. You may be shocked at one or two of the suggestions. You may wonder why you didn’t think of these ideas before. 

The Importance Of Work-Life Balance For Leaders

You may have heard from others that there’s no such thing as work-life balance. They will tell you that we don’t have separate work and personal lives. It’s a good argument. But it’s flawed.

True, we live and work at the same time, but we’re not necessarily doing what we want when we’re working. We report to others, supervise others, and have our day directed.

With a proper work-life balance, there is a separation between the two.

Man walking on a tightrope over a large gap.

Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

The Importance Of Work-Life Balance For Leaders

Work-life balance is important not because working is bad. Nor is play bad. But when we can’t find time for either one, trouble arises.

Think of the business executive who can’t shut off at the end of the workday. He finds himself mired in work. His phone is in his hand while he’s checking emails when he should be focused on his wife and children at home. Years later, after neglecting his personal responsibility, he finds himself divorced, lonely, and considered a bad father.

10 Life-Changing Habits For Personal Development

Our habits can either make us or break us. It’s the habits that we choose that will decide the direction we will go in life.

Og Mandino once said, “Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.” His words ring true to me. They should ring true for you, too.

We will examine 10 life-changing habits that will propel your personal development forward. These habits will change your life, make you a better person, and help you stay sane in an insane world.

10 Life-Changing Habits For Personal Development

1. Read daily:

One of the easiest habits to develop is the habit of reading. Books are a treasure trove of information for leaders. All you have to do is crack open a book.

Self-Awareness: The Key To Effective Leadership

Self-Awareness: The Key To Effective Leadership

We’ve all experienced a leader who wasn’t self-aware. When a leader is self-aware, they have the ability to focus on themselves and see how their own actions, thought, and emotions do or do not align with their internal standards.

We see this when a leader has set a corporate mantra of integrity, positivity, and appreciation, but his actions do not align. This leader berates his employees, doesn’t see anything good happening, and cooks the books.

Yeah, he’s not self-aware.

Yet, self-awareness is key to effective leadership. Without self-awareness, your employees will think you’re inept and not worth following.

Developing Self-Awareness

To become an effective leader, you have to develop self-awareness. Thankfully, this is a skill that can be taught and developed.

New Year, New You

Don't stop transforming

For many, the new year means a new beginning… Until February. Studies show 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February.

This is discouraging news. Especially for those of us who set New Year’s resolutions.

You don't have to stay broken. You can become new

Photo by Dustin Tramel

You may have set a resolution to:

  • Lose 40 pounds by July
  • Learn a new craft or skill
  • Treat your family members with more respect
  • Start a new business

But by the second week of February, you’re feeling discouraged. The progress you thought you would have made by this point hasn’t been realized. You feel like a failure.

Why We Fail At New Year’s Resolutions

We get discouraged when we don’t see progress. We believe we should see extraordinary progress. Reality is you will see incremental progress.