Don’t Quit! Do This Instead

Before you quit, try this...

There’s many days I feel like quitting. I don’t want to sit down at the computer and write a blog post. Or maybe I’m halfway through a run when my feet and legs begin to hurt.

The pain I’m feeling is almost too much to go on. These are the times I feel like quitting.

But I don’t.

We all want to quit. But quitting isn't the answer. This is.

Lok the Vizsla telling me to keep going

Have you ever been there? Do you ever feel like you want to quit and give up on pursuing your passions?

Don’t be afraid to say you do. I know the truth because I’m there frequently. And I’m sure you are as well.

It’s okay to want to quit. Quitting is the default thought when the going gets tough and you have to push through harder than before.

But don’t quit. Don’t give up. Keep going.

3 Ways Your Health (Or Lack Of) Is Hurting Your Leadership

Have you ever looked at a guy like Richard Branson and thought, “How does the guy get it all done?” 400+ companies, World Records, and billions of dollars under management in a single lifetime. Oh, and I forgot something, space exploration. The guy is on another level.

We are entrepreneurs, leaders, and mold-breakers. Although, of the mortal kind. We need every advantage we can get. So, we should probably pay attention when Titans of business and leadership talk about the things that give them their edge.

Here are 3 areas where your (lack of) exercise could be hindering your leadership.

1. Productivity

How to Have Peace to Persevere through Pain

August 23, 2010 was any parents’ worst nightmare. This was the day my wife, Melissa, and I received the results of our daughter’s biopsy.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett,” said Dr. Thompson. “Kristina has cancer.”

Kristina Barrett

It felt like all the oxygen was sucked out of the room. Our 8-year-old little girl’s future had just become completely uncertain.

By the time of her diagnosis, the rare cancer (Clear Cell Sarcoma) had already spread to her lungs. And her prognosis was listed as “dismal.”

Any time someone is faced with tremendous fears such as this, it’s difficult to control emotions. No, it’s virtually impossible. But one truth we’ve found is that feelings are controlled by our thoughts. Interesting enough is that the Bible doesn’t tell us to control our feelings. It tells us to control our thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5).