6 Ways To Demotivate Your Team

Great leaders do something special. They know how to motivate their team and get them excited about what’s ahead.

Bad leaders, you can guess, do the opposite. Bad leaders know how to demotivate their team.

They’ll sap the energy from any project. They’ll make their team doubt their abilities. They’ll leave people frustrated.

Demotivation doesn’t serve your team well. Rather, demotivation brings your team down. Demotivation makes your team angry and frustrated. Demotivation will send your team looking for new opportunities.

But so many leaders do this. They fall into a pattern of negative leadership that harms their teams.

So, lets take a look at 6 ways to demotivate your team and learn from this negative leadership habit.

1. Talk negatively about your team: Want to demotivate your team faster than anything else? Talk about your team in negative terms. Let other people within your organization know that you’re disappointed with them.

Why Fair Isn’t Always Fair

Growing up, we all heard that we had to be fair to others. This meant not getting an extra cookie in the lunch line. Or maybe being fair meant that everyone got the same sized treat. Still, fair could also have meant we all had to take turns singing a silly song in class.

We were taught by making everyone have the same treats or the same amount of time on the ball field or taking turns was the fair thing to do.

Knowing what I know now, I have to say I disagree. Much like I disagreed back then.

This fair mindset often seeps into our leadership. After all, it’s been ingrained into our minds that this is true fairness.

Only once everyone has what everyone else has can the world be fair. The playing field is leveled at this point.

Bring Encouragement To You

Are you like me and struggle with staying positive throughout the day? You may lack the motivation or drive to get through.

Discouragement seems to peek it’s dirty head around the door and leer at you. Telling you you’re not good enough.

Lets stop discouragement from influencing us today. Instead, bring encouragement to you.

There’s a couple tricks I’m discovering. They’re helping me battle discouragement and to become encouraged throughout my day.

So much so, I’d like to share with you what I’m doing to find encouragement throughout my day. I think it’ll help you so please read on.

Have a motivational Flip Book on your desk: Years ago I received an inspirational flip book from my in-laws. It’s sat on my office desk since we’ve moved into our home and set up the home office.

How To Stay Motivated As A Leader

Great leaders know they need to stay motivated. They need to have their head in the game and be willing to go to the front.

And yet there are times when we lack motivation. We want to give in and quit.

Image by Kenny Louie

Image by Kenny Louie

I’ve seen this time and again as a youth leader. We’ll bring new staff members on board only to see them slip away and drop out of their leadership position.

This dropping away happens from a lack of motivation. They’re no longer seeing what they once enjoyed and brought happiness to their lives.

Instead it’s become dull and drab. A burden to carry or toss away. It’s up to them but we see them giving up.

In The Importance of Discovering The Proper Motivation, I wrote that the proper motivation should be to help others become better. I still believe this.

How To Kill Enthusiasm For A Project

Launching a new project is always exciting. The company is moving and shaking. Great growth is expected.

Things are looking good. The team is motivated. They’re ready to take on the project and succeed.

There’s only one problem. You’ve done an action that kills enthusiasm more than anything.


I’ve done it. Time and time again. I’m pretty sure you’ve done it as well.

With the busyness of our days, it’s easy to let this one slide in.

The Enthusiasm Killer

The enthusiasm killer is a sly devil. He slides in slowly and quietly. Before you know it, he’s killed the motivation that was building.

The killer is A Lack Of Communication.

It may start as missing a deadline and not communicating it to the team. Or meetings that are never held.