What Team Motivation Looks Like

Motivating Your Team

You’re getting ready to bring in a motivational speaker. Someone who will really get the troops riled up. You know this is just the thing your team needs to get motivated.

Find ways to motivate your team

Photo by Jeremy Perkins

Then, once the motivational speaker has left, your team’s enthusiasm and motivation return to the levels they were before the pep rally. Maybe their motivation level drops to pre-rally levels. This happens.

The Wrong View Of Motivation

We often think of motivation as a kick in the pants. Something to get us going. But then we find out motivation doesn’t last. Because of this, we believe motivation doesn’t work.

The late, great Zig Ziglar had a great quote about motivation:

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.

Gorgeous bathroom and bath tub with Zig Ziglar quote

Image by Aaron Huber

10 Ways To Motivate Your Team

Motivating your team

The struggle in motivating your team is that there are so many different ways to motivate them. Every person on your team is unique. Each one has a unique way they are motivated.

The challenge for you is to discover how your team members are motivated. But once you discover what motivates others, you will be onto something.

Learn how to motivate your team

Photo by Elena De Soto

While everyone is unique in what motivates them, there are common themes you will find as you try to motivate others. Below, you will see 10 ways to motivate your team.

10 Ways To Motivate Your Team

1. Motivate with monetary rewards:

You will often hear money isn’t the main factor in people enjoying their work or being motivated. I will tell you this is true. However, you can’t discount the motivation a monetary reward will bring.

What Your Team Needs (Motivation!)

Motivating Your Team

I asked in my annual reader survey what some of the biggest challenges leaders were facing. I’ve already covered some of those: Relationships, health, etc… This month, I’m going to cover another topic that was hot on the mind of readers: Motivating your team.

Having and creating a motivated team is something a lot of leaders think about. A motivated team is something leaders desire. They know their organization can be more effective if everyone was excited and ready to work.

Your team needs motivation. You can give it to them.

Photo By Cortney White

The truth is, most employees are disengaged. According to a 2014 Gallop study, only 31.5% of employees are actively engaged at work. This means there’s a whopping 68.5% of employees who are either not engaged or actively disengaged with their work.

Those are scary numbers for leaders. Over two-thirds of your workforce may be disengaged from the work you’ve hired them to do.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Uncle Drew

A Reel Leadership Article

The new basketball comedy movie Uncle Drew tells the story of Dax (Lil Rel Howery) and his dreams of having a winning team in the Rucker Classic street basketball tournament. The Rucker Classic takes place in Harlem and the competition is fierce.

Uncle Drew cast in Harlem Buckets orange jerseys

Mookie Bass (Nick Kroll), Dax’s basketball rival, continues to badger and taunt Dax all these years later. This has created an intense rivalry between the two. One that has Dax going all out to win.

Uncle Drew is full of laughs and, surprisingly, leadership lessons. Let’s dive into the latest Reel Leadership article and seek the leadership lessons in Uncle Drew.

Caution: Uncle Drew spoilers below

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Uncle Drew

1. Great organizations create great leaders:

The Rucker Classic was held in Rucker Park. There, great street ball players were created.

How To Keep Motivated As A Leader

You can’t keep driving a car without filling up the gas tank or charging the electric car’s battery. By continuing to drive without fueling up, the car will eventually leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere.

We can apply the same principle to our leadership. But instead of gas or electricity as our fuel, our fuel is motivation.

And sometimes we lose that motivation. We forget how to keep motivated…

You can stay a motivated leader

What Is Motivation

We can only go so long before we run out of juice. Especially if we forget what our motivation is.

Motivation is our desire or willingness to do something.

I have to muster up the motivation to write on a daily basis. I have to find the motivation to record or edit a podcast.