How Bad Habits Enter Into Your Life

I’ve found myself wondering how I’ve picked up bad habits. From too much TV time to wasting time on Facebook to ignoring my wife. Bad habits creep into my life. And I’m sure they do yours as well.

When we recognize the bad habit, we often wonder how we let the bad habit into our life.

The Trinity Root at September 11 Memorial

Image by Tony Fischer

The Problem

Bad habits are something we don’t want to pick up. They’ll drag us down, holding us back from our potential.

And yet we let bad habits take hold in our lives. Most of the time we don’t even realize the habits are forming.

Why? Why does this happen?

We let bad habits take root because they slowly work their way into our lives. A recent sewer problem made this clear.

You Don’t Need More Of This

We often set goals for ourselves and fail. Goals such as losing 10 pounds, writing a best selling book, or being a better spouse. We fail…

We also blame it on a lack of self discipline. Claiming we need more of it. That’s a lie.

We don’t need more self discipline. We already have it.

Lego man working out

Image by Pascal

Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at where we are already self disciplined.

  • We go to work on time
  • We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • We put ourselves to bed
  • We use the bathroom
  • We take care of our family
  • We pay bills

Sometimes we don’t want to do these tasks. They’re not fun. But we do them anyways.


Because YOU have self discipline. You’ve trained yourself to do the tasks that need to be done.

Fill The Void

Vacuums, the absence of matter not the household appliance, are an amazing phenomenon.

A vacuum is a space where there is no matter. On Earth, nature doesn’t like a vacuum. So outside pressure will try to push particles into the vacuum to fill the empty space inside of the vacuum.

Interesting, huh?

Our lives our like a vacuum.

We’ll clear out a couple of bad habits. We’ll feel good about ourselves. We’ll think we’re doing great.

Except we forgot to fill the empty space created by ridding ourselves of the bad habits.

There will be a void left in our lives. An empty space longing to be filled. And it will find something to fill itself with.

We must fill that void or the bad habits will come back with a vengeance.