What To Do When You Doubt Yourself As A Leader

Leadership Lessons From Black Lightning

I had the pleasure of meeting comic book writer Tony Isabella in October 2017. Tony is the creator of the DC Comics first African American superhero Black Lightning.

black lightning Jefferson Pierce doubt his superheronessDuring my time with Tony Isabella at the Grand Rapids Comic-Con, I asked him what was his favorite comic book issue to work on. Without hesitation, he said Black Lightning Volume 2 Issue 5.

Tony went on to explain why he enjoyed the comic book so much. Black Lightning’s civilian identity is Jefferson Pierce, the principal at Garfield High School. Pierce dons the Black Lightning costume to protect his students from the gangsters who want to recruit them to their gangs and do them harm.

In the Black Lightning comic recommended by Tony Isabella, something goes wrong. Walter Kasko, a teacher at Garfield High School, tosses himself in front of a young student named Lamar as gangsters burst into the room Walter, Lamar, and Jefferson was. Walter was riddled with bullets and died. Jefferson was injured and spent time in the hospital.

Why We Need Community

I’ve always believed that community is important. We must live and interact with others if we want to truly thrive.

The sad truth is, I haven’t lived this well recently.

Over the past year or so, my relationships with others have fallen by the wayside. Replaced with work or my inner thoughts.

It’s a struggle I’ve had and I’m not ashamed to admit.

Why Community?

Community is a powerful thing. Community is there to hold you up. Community is there to hold you accountable. Community is there to back you.

Something truly spectacular happens when we begin entering into relationships with those around us. We begin to experience who we truly are.

Desmond Tutu said:

A person is a person through other persons

Andy Snyder put community this way:

We need others to help us become ourselves