How Fake It Till You Make It Can Go Bad

Over time, our opinions change on specific topics. I’ve recently begun to question the idea of Fake It Till You Make It.

What is Fake It Till You Make It? This is the idea that you can do things you’re not qualified, skilled, or talented enough in by telling yourself you can. Whether that’s through artificial confidence or unknown competence.

I’ve used this technique multiple times. But I’ve begun to see the downside of faking it until I (or you) make it.

How Fake It Till You Make It Can Go Bad

I’ve faked my way through a lot of things in life. Whether it was giving myself an unwarranted bump in my handyman skills or how well I write, faking my way through has eventually made me progress further than I would have without trying.

People Are Tired Of Fake

You’ve probably seen online thought leaders share about how they’re so authentic. About how they want to be real with you. How they want you to get to know them.

Why are they saying these things? Because they know people want real, authentic, true people. The problem is, many of these people aren’t being what they claim they are.

People need you to be real

Photo by Matese Fields

Claiming you’re authentic is easy. Saying you’re real is super simple.

Being real is not quite as easy.

People Want Real… But They’re Not Getting It

Marketers have learned what people want. The people have spoken and they say they want someone who is real. Someone who is honest.

The problem is, finding someone online who is real and honest is hard. Putting on a facade and portraying what someone is looking for is easy.

This is why people have created customer avatars. These are the people they want to speak to… So they create a persona that speaks their language.