The Power of Connecting With Like Minded People

We live in such a diverse world. People come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It’s truly amazing.

Our interests are just as diverse. We’ve got people who are athletic, nerdy, funny, smart, etc… A world full of difference.

Puzzle Connection

Image by Scott Maxwell

Diversity is great. It opens you up to new experiences and ideas. Some you may never have thought of before.

I encourage you to seek diversity.

But I also encourage you to seek out like minded people.


It might seem odd that I’m encouraging you to seek out like minded people. Why would you want to seek out people with similar interests?

It’s quite simple actually. You should seek out like minded people for their encouragement. And the encouragement that they can bring to you.

Finding others who are pursuing their passions and desires can bring a huge boost to your pursuit of the lifestyle you desire.