One of the facts that I hope I’ve gotten through to you is that regardless of what you think, we all have the same amount of time in our days. 24 hours. No more, no less.
I preface this blog post with that fact because many people have wondered how I find time to create blog content on a regular basis.
Today, that’s what I want to share with you. My so-called secret to writing blog posts.
There’s no magic bullet that helps me create new blog posts. There’s nothing special you need to do either to be the next blogger who shares regularly.
You’re not the Flash and move at superhuman speed. Luckily that’s not the secret sauce to writing regularly. Though having the power to write at superhuman speed would be awesome!
Do you want to know my secret? I’m willing to share, if you do.
But I’m afraid you may be a little disappointed when I tell you how I pump out blog post after blog post. Promise not to think less of me?
The key to finding time to create blog content is to make it a priority.
Set aside time in your schedule. If you don’t make time for writing, you won’t write. Create a time in your day that is specifically for writing. (My time to write is usually between 9 and 10 PM. Your perfect time to write may be different)
Inform others of your writing time. You’ve got to let friends and family know when you’re going to be unavailable. You’ve got to keep it that way unless it’s an emergency.
Get rid of distractions. Writing on the computer can be very distracting. You’ve got the allure of Facebook and Twitter. Email calls for you to check the latest incoming message. Google tells you to search her archives for information about your blog topic.
Find a way to limit these distractions. Unplug the network cable from your computer. Use a program such as FocusWriter or WriteMonkey (Both free distraction free writing tools for Windows). Keep distractions from your writing and you’ll get a lot more done.
Don’t wait for inspiration. Everyone thinks writers need inspiration before they write. They need to have the writing fairy tap them on their shoulder with her magic wand.
The truth is you can’t wait for inspiration to hit you before you write. Inspiration will happen when you take the time to sit down at your writing desk and start writing.
When you become intentional, you can find time to create blog content. The secret is creating a time to write, writing without inspiration, getting rid of the distractions, and letting friends and family know you’re getting down to business.
Question: How do you find time to create blog content? Please share your strategy in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.