You probably know Moses as the leader of the Israelites. However, there are seven surprising facts about his leadership you should not miss. Read further.
Who is Moses?
Moses is a Hebrew prophet God used to free the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.
Saved by the basket from the Egyptian slaughter, he reached Pharaoh’s daughter, who took and adopted him as her son.
Growing up, Moses witnessed the struggles of his fellow Hebrews as slaves. Seeing one of them being beaten, he killed the Egyptian master.
Feeling guilty, he fled to Midian. There, God spoke to him through a burning bush. He commissioned him to be the leader of the Israelites.
7 Amazing Things To Know About Moses’ Leadership
He did not want to accept the call.
At first, Moses was very hesitant to carry on with God’s mission for him. Perhaps, it was a sign of humility.
Nevertheless, the Lord proved Himself as a God worthy of trust (Exodus 3, ESV). Also, He promised to be with his words and decisions.
He grew up with a silver spoon, but he had compassion.
Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s palace with all comfort and luxury. Thus, it’s easy to assume he was arrogant, insensitive, or apathetic.
However, he had compassion, especially for his fellow Hebrews, as evident in murdering the Egyptian master.
Besides, Moses refused to call himself a son of Pharaoh’s daughter and enjoy the pleasures of sin. Instead, he would choose to suffer affliction with his people (Hebrews 11:24-25).
He was bold, intelligent, and assertive.
When God gave him his mission, Moses asked, “Why me?” With this, he was asserting his right to confirm God’s sincerity.
However, as a learned man, Moses had great wisdom and conviction both in word and deed (Acts 7:22). Despite being slow in speech, he was brave in negotiating with Pharaoh on behalf of the Israelites.
Specifically, Moses requested the king to give the slaves three days of rest to pray and worship God. When Pharaoh declined the request and instead increased the workload of the men, God sent Egypt ten plagues. Eventually, it led to the escape of the Israelites.
He desired justice.
Indeed, Moses’ murderous act is not worth emulating, more so that he buried the Egyptian master in the sand (Exodus 2:11-12). Nevertheless, we see his passion for justice, doing the best he could whenever necessary.
He feared God.
Encountering God through a burning bush in Exodus 3:1-5, he knew He was speaking to Someone divine without any question. He even removed his sandals, knowing he was on holy ground.
More importantly, Moses obeyed God with faith in accomplishing his mission. Significantly, it showed that he had great respect for Him.
He exercised delegation.
Interestingly, Moses implemented a government wherein people had a share in the judicial authority. In particular, he chose men to be officers in charge of the rest (Exodus 18:25).
These selected individuals rendered decisions for public concerns. For instance, there were conflicts they worked to resolve.
He was transformative.
Realizing the need to help transform his people, Moses would always remind them of their identity as God’s elect.
Specifically, he instilled in them that they were now living a life with God. Whereas before, they were under the polytheistic influence of Egypt.
Dare To Be Like Moses!
Despite his flaws, Moses proved to be a good leader.
Specifically, he was humble, compassionate, brave, and intelligent. He constantly desired to implement justice though his act of murder was not something we should emulate.
More so, his transformative and decentralized leadership is an excellent example for aspiring leaders. But above all, his fear of God is what we should all consider.
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