It’s Okay If People Don’t Take You Seriously

Being Taken Seriously

While we all desire to be taken seriously, especially those of us leading teams, what happens if people don’t take us seriously? Is it a problem to struggle in this area? Will it derail your ability to lead?

These are all great questions. They’re questions that need to be answered.

Woman slouched against a wall

Photo by Eric Ward

Knowing how to be taken seriously will help you become a better, more trusted leader. When you’re not taken seriously, your ability to lead can suffer.

This may sound like I’m condemning the leaders who aren’t taken seriously. The ones whose teams can’t look them in the eye without laughing or smirking.

Maybe that’s you. Maybe it’s another leader you know. Either way, this is troubling.

But don’t fret. It’s okay if people don’t take you seriously. You’re not out of the running as a leader just because people fail to take you seriously. You can still lead… And lead well when you’re not taken seriously.

Leading A Business Means Having Access To All The Relevant Data

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If you have a business to run, you will need to make sure that you are leading it in the best way you possibly can. This leadership is something that can take a lot of practice to get right, but generally, there are a few key things that you can focus on in order to make sure that you get there.

Something that you will want to consider is the importance of having access to the relevant data, as only by having all the data can you make sure that you are actually going to have the necessary knowledge to lead your business. So what are the kinds of data that you need to have access to in particular, and why do they matter? Let’s take a look at some of the most important data of all in any business.

The Path To Being Taken Seriously

Being Taken Seriously

I’ve talked a lot about the fun a leader can have. Leadership isn’t all seriousness. But there are reasons for being serious.

One of those is the desire to be taken seriously by those you lead. You want those you lead to look up to you. To respect you. To value your word.

An African-American male posing in a restaurant

Photo by James Timothy

This can be hard if all they see you as is someone who loves to have fun. The ability to have fun can get in the way and you can struggle to be seen as serious.

That’s okay. You can definitely lead this way. Just know it will be harder.

But what does a leader do if he wants to be taken more seriously? What steps does he have to take?

We’re going to look at this and see what you can do. You can be taken seriously. You only have to take the steps to get there.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Netflix’s Point Blank

A Reel Leadership Article

Point Blank is a Netflix original movie that recently was released on the streaming service. The movie tells the story of Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson in The Avengers movies) as Paul the nurse and Frank Grillo as the criminal Abe.

What you get in Point Blank is an awkward buddy movie where the two stars battle against criminals and corrupt cops. It could be a fun summer movie but, somehow, Point Blank shoots blanks in this original movie.

That’s not to say you won’t walk away with Reel Leadership lessons from Point Blank. That’s not the case. You will find plenty of leadership lessons. What you won’t find is a great movie.

I was okay with that as it was a semi-enjoyable movie. But enough with the quality of Point Blank. It’s time to discuss the leadership lessons in the movie.

Choose What To Be Serious About

Being Taken Seriously

Every leader wants to be taken seriously. They also want to have a little bit of fun along the way. I mean, who doesn’t want to enjoy the work they do?

Being serious all of the time gets tiresome. You also begin to become a bore. You don’t want that.

Man in a suit jacket looking at a computer and holding his chin

Photo by Bruce Mars

Instead, you need to learn how to choose what to be serious about and how to lead in those times. The great news is, you can do this. You can have serious times and you can have fun times.

Choose What To Be Serious About

Knowing when and where to be serious is the key to having fun while leading. It can also be a struggle to know when to switch on your fun side and when to shut it off.

This is what we’re going to discuss today.