The Best Places To Gain An Education Outside Of College
Even if you’re not formally educated, you can agree education is an important aspect of leading. Knowing what to do and how to do it (or who to go to for help) is a critical piece of leading well.
You can’t do this if you don’t have some kind of education. Whether your education is formal or informal, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you know how to get the job done.
But if you haven’t been formally educated, where can you go to gain the knowledge and insight to lead? That’s what we’re going to share in this section. We’re going to look at the places leaders can get informal training and grow their leadership abilities.
The Best Places To Gain An Education Outside Of College
College isn’t the right path for everyone. It wasn’t for me. I gained a lot of my education through self-education and pushing myself to learn just in time. You can as well.