The Importance Of Work-Life Balance For Leaders

You may have heard from others that there’s no such thing as work-life balance. They will tell you that we don’t have separate work and personal lives. It’s a good argument. But it’s flawed.

True, we live and work at the same time, but we’re not necessarily doing what we want when we’re working. We report to others, supervise others, and have our day directed.

With a proper work-life balance, there is a separation between the two.

Man walking on a tightrope over a large gap.

Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

The Importance Of Work-Life Balance For Leaders

Work-life balance is important not because working is bad. Nor is play bad. But when we can’t find time for either one, trouble arises.

Think of the business executive who can’t shut off at the end of the workday. He finds himself mired in work. His phone is in his hand while he’s checking emails when he should be focused on his wife and children at home. Years later, after neglecting his personal responsibility, he finds himself divorced, lonely, and considered a bad father.