Leadership Lessons From Meru

A Reel Leadership Article

Meru documents the first successful ascent of Meru Peak’s Shark Fin route. This ascent was accomplished by three climbers. These climbers are Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, and Renan Ozturk.

This documentary felt a lot like the recent documentary Free Solo which chronicled Alex Hannold’s attempt to be the first person to free solo El Capitan. Both movies showed men doing feats that were thought to be impossible.

Man climbing Meru

Meru is a big-wall climb. Many elite climbers have tried and failed to ascend to the summit over the last 30 years. This movie documents the first ever successful climb.

Today, we’re going to look at Meru the movie and see what we can learn about leadership. As I sat and watched the movie, I was awed by the leadership lessons in Meru. I think you will be as well.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Hellboy 2019

A Reel Leadership Article

The movie theater has been a great place for those who love comic book movies. Last week, theatergoers were treated to the DC Comics movie Shazam! In two weeks, audiences will be treated to the Avengers: Infinity War sequel Endgame, and this weekend saw the release of Dark Horse Comics Hellboy.

Hellboy is the 3rd Hellboy movie to be released in the theaters. The first two starred a man who nailed the look of Hellboy, Ron Perlman. Sadly, Perlman did not return for the latest entry in the Hellboy series as this is more of a reboot than a sequel.

Hellboy, Alice, and Major Ben Daimio in the new Hellboy movie 2019

The Hellboy movie is based upon the Mike Mignola comic books and graphic novels. Hellboy is stuck in a war between the supernatural and human worlds.

While I remember the original Hellboy movies to be a fun, fairly upbeat series of movies, the latest Hellboy movie takes a dark turn. It’s much darker and grittier than the previous movies. This will turn some people off.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Captive State

A Reel Leadership Article

Captive State, directed by Rupert Wyatt, is a science fiction movie set in Chicago 10 years after an alien occupation. The citizens of Chicago (and the world) are following orders from their alien overlords. This soon begins to change as a Resistance rises up once more.

Starring John Goodman as William Mulligan, Ashton Sanders as Gabriel Drummond, Johnathan Majors as Rafe Drummond, and Vera Farmiga as Jane Doe, Captive State reminded a lot of M. Night Shyamalan’s 10 Cloverfield Lane, also starring John Goodman. This isn’t a bad feel for the movie. It also gives this film in the science fiction genre a different feel.

African American in a red hoodie standing before a decimated city

Ashton Sanders in Captive State

There’s plenty more to Captive State than just the science fiction and government overreach. There are great Reel Leadership lessons in Captive State.

We’re going to look at these leadership lessons and see how you can see these lessons as you watch the movie.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Captain Marvel

A Reel Leadership Article

The last Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to release before this year’s highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame, released this past Friday. Captain Marvel took to the screen and wowed most audiences.

Starring Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Vers/Captain Marvel as she struggles to remember exactly who she is. We see Captain Marvel’s struggles, disappointments, and triumphs in the latest Marvel film.

Still of Bie Larson as Captain Marvel movie

Brie Larson as Captain Marvel

For many, this was a movie of triumph. Captain Marvel is the first female-led movie in the Marvel movie universe.

Not only was Captain Marvel a step forward for women in the comic book to movie world. Captain Marvel is also a great movie for leaders. There are many Reel Leadership lessons and quotes in Captain Marvel leaders will be able to apply to their work life.

What Is Expected Of You As A Leader

Eekkk! You got the call. You’ve been tasked with stepping up to a new role in your organization. They’re going to give you a new title. The title of a leader!

Let the celebration commence. You’ve taken a big step by moving into a leadership position. Congratulations.

The expectations of a leader

Photo by Val Vesa

But you probably have some butterflies in your stomach. They’re fluttering around and making you nervous. This is normal! Every leader stepping into a first-time leadership role has the butterflies. I’d be worried if you didn’t.

As you step into your leadership role, you probably have some questions. One of those is: What is expected out of me as a leader? I can’t answer what your organization will expect from you. Their expectations will vary based on the organization you work for.