The Uneducated Leader

Getting your foot in the door of a leadership position can be difficult, if not seemingly impossible. Yet you can become a leader without an education.

Many great organizational leaders have stepped into a leadership role without formal education. They didn’t let their lack of education stop them from becoming great leaders.

Man with laced up brown boots sitting on concrete stairs

Photo by Camila Damasio

These leaders often had to step up when no one else would. They would see a challenge and choose to move towards the challenge, rather than away from it. They knew someone had to take action and why not them?

How The Uneducated Are Often Seen

Sadly, those who don’t hold a formal degree are often looked down upon. The views of many seem to be that formally uneducated people lack drive and passion. They’re flakey and won’t stick around.

This is understandable. This is also untrue.