How To Deal With The Rapid Increase In Innovation

Blink and another innovation has passed you by. You might even be like Blockbuster Video or Blackberry and crumbling as we speak.

All because innovation came and you weren’t ready.

Know what I’m saying? Innovation is moving at an ever increasing pace. This leaves many businesses struggling to play catchup. Some never do.

What Is Innovation?

Leaders can get caught up in trying to define innovation. It’s really simple in concept: Innovation is the process of change.

The innovation may be:

VHS moving to DVD moving to streaming video

Mechanical hard drives changing to solid state drives

Print media moving towards digital media

These innovations provided a slight shift and change in the way we consumed and stored data. Honestly, it’s crazy how quickly these changes happened.

6 Ways To Be An Innovative Leader

Innovation is a requirement for great leadership. You’re always on the lookout for new ways to move the company forward. You know there’s power in new ideas.

But how many times do you feel stuck as you try to take your team to the next level? It’s frustrating. It’s annoying. It’s something that can be overcome.

When we introduce new ideas and new practices, we begin to elevate the company to the next level. The company is able to rise above the previous problems and tackle new issues that are arising.

You can even help the company grow and succeed by being innovative.

But what does it take to be innovative as a leader? What can you do to increase the flow of new ideas and new breakthroughs?