7 Reasons Why Leaders Need to Enjoy Their Work

This is a guest post by Adam Rico. He is a corporate recruiter and career coach. Adam helps people feel fully alive by doing work they love. You can read his blog Work You Enjoy and follow him on Twitter or Facebook.

There’s something your boss probably hasn’t told you.

Odds are they don’t like what they do for a living.

Disengaged Employee

Image by Jason Scragz via Creative Commons

According to a recent Gallup poll, 71% of workers are “disengaged” with their jobs.

This statistic includes all employees, managers, directors, supervisors, CEO’s and anyone who is a leader.

However, imagine if all leaders loved what they do every day.

How might that change an organization?

How might that change the work environment?

How might that change your work and your life?

It can happen.

It starts with you.

How To Encourage Creative Thinking Within Your Organization

Great organizations encourage and promote a culture of creativity. They want their team dreaming up the next iPad or ways of capturing the imagination of their audience.

And yet the question remains: How do you encourage your team to think creatively?

Creative light camera

Image by Cameron Russell

That question is one most companies have trouble answering.

They become worried that it will cut into productivity. Encourage goofing off. Or create havoc.

In reality, that’s not what happens. What really happens is a blockbuster team is formed.

Let’s take Google as an example.

They’re knocking it out of the park with the innovation coming out of the company. You’ve got

That’s not the whole list but you get the idea. Ideas are birthed and brought to life by the creative minds at Google. Creativity is encouraged. It’s part of their culture.

The creativity of children

Have you ever noticed how creative children can be? Give them a set of characters and a setting. Their imagination runs wild.

You may get an epic space battle, wild animals in the city, or a cops and robbers story.

New Star Wars characters

Star Wars characters created by a child

The above drawing was created by one of my friend’s children. He loves Star Wars and knows that I do as well. So as a birthday present, he created three new characters.

It blew me away. He is only eight but has such an imagination.

This makes me wonder whatever happened to the creativity I had as a child.

I know I had a much more active imagination when I was younger. There were days of GI Joe battles, sticks becoming guns, or my backyard becoming a place of adventure.

Have you wandered far from those days? Has your creativity waned?