How The Next Gen Resembles The Last Gen And Breaking The Unchurched Pattern
One of the websites that I read frequently for information on church trends and people is The Barna Group. They conduct research on the intersection of faith and culture. I would say they’re on the cusp, providing good information for keeping abreast with a changing world.

Image by Cynthia Koch
I’ve read many times about younger people – how they’re different from previous generations. It reminds me of my generation and what the older folks thought then. Sort of the same thing. My thought process from there drifts into our communities and how we tend to continually focus on the next generation as the one we can help shape, with the thought this will change the world and break the pattern when we see difficulties and struggles in our world today. So I have been trying to come up with some ideas on how we could lead with the desired impact. Let me share with you an example of what I’m referring to, and how we may be more effective in leadership.