8 Leadership Lessons From The Walking Dead Volume 1 Comics
A Reel Leadership Article
Last night The Walking Dead season 5 premiered on AMC. The Walking Dead has taken the world by storm with it’s griping story and zombie story lines.
While I wasn’t able to catch the season premier, I have been reading through The Walking Dead comic book series.
The Walking Dead comics have a different storyline than the AMC TV series. So I’m not sure where the TV series is in regards to the comic books but I’ve found myself quickly reading through the books and being drawn in.
I also saw leadership lessons in The Walking Dead: Volume 1 and thought I’d share the leadership lessons I took away with you. Hope you enjoy this session of pop-culture leadership.
1. The world changes quickly: Rick, the main protagonist in The Walking Dead, is the sheriff of a small town. During a police shootout, Rick is wounded and winds up in the hospital.