3 Truths To Walk Through Fear

Catalyst 2017 Christy Wright

Today, I’m live-blogging the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta. The next speaker I’ll be live-blogging about is Christy Wright.

Christy is an experienced business coach who has trained business leaders nationwide. She frequently speaks at Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership Master Series and EntreLeadership Performance Series.

Christy Wright Catalyst Atlanta 2017 Of Good Courage

Christy starts off her Catalyst talk about sharing a story about the time she went diving with the sharks. As the time grew closer to getting in the water with the sharks, her anxiety and fear levels began to rise.

Could she do it? Would she do it? Will she die?

All these thoughts went through her mind. Then she got in the water…

And the experience was the most awesome, inspiring, awe-inducing thing she’d done. Now, she’d swim with the sharks again and again.

3 Truths To Walk Through Fear

1. Fear is normal:

Fear is a normal part of learning. It’s not something to be ashamed of or to run from.