Often, after graduating school, we put our quest for knowledge on hold or kill it altogether. We feel that we have it all figured out.
Well, we need to put a stop to that line of thinking. It’s going to get you nowhere fast as a leader.

Image by Lidyanne Aquino
I Will Seek Wisdom
I wrote about the first decision in The Traveler’s Gift last month. The second decision for success Andy Andrews mentions in the Traveler’s Gift is I Will Seek Wisdom.
What does this look like?
- Reading Quality Material: Seek out wisdom in great books. There’s thousands of years worth of information contained in written form. It’s there for your taking. Pick up a book and learn the story of our history, the principles of great leaders, or the adventures of heroes no longer with us.
As you consume quality reading material, you’ll gain wisdom. You’ll see the ways others have succeeded and led well. You’ll also see the failures of great men. Learn what you can from their mistakes.
- Spend Time With Great People: I’ve written about this before. There’s a need to spend time with people who are pushing forward and doing great work. Not only will you see it’s possible, you’ll be spurred on to great deeds as well. It’s like they say “A rising tide lifts all ships.” When you’re involved with great people, you’re bound to be raised along with them.
- Practice Your Craft: Take time to practice your craft. Whether it’s leading, selling, or playing guitar you must practice to gain wisdom. The more you do a task, the more knowledgeable you become about it.
Devote your time and energy into learning your craft by practicing. You’ll discover new ways to move forward, open doors that were once closed, and skill you never knew you had.
When you push yourself to chase after wisdom, your life will begin to change.
New opportunities present themselves. Answers to the problems you’ve faced suddenly appear. Confidence begins to enter into your life.
Chase after wisdom. Pursue it with the intensity of a thousand burning suns.
The words of a wise man are like raindrops on dry ground. They are precious and can be quickly used for immediate results. Only the blade of grass that catches a raindrop will prosper and grow.
— Andy Andrews in The Traveler’s Gift
Question: How has obtaining wisdom changed your life? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.