Every October for the past 5 years has marked a time of extraordinary growth for my wife and I. Why?
Because we’ve attended the Catalyst Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. And we will again this year.
I also want to give you the chance to attend this year’s conference. That’s why at the end of the post, I’ve teamed up with Catalyst to give away a free ticket (Valued at $299).
What Is Catalyst Conference?
If you’ve read my blog for any period of time, you may have seen me mention Catalyst and the impactful events they’ve put on. I’ve attended the last 5 and live blogged the previous 2.
For those of you who haven’t heard of Catalyst, it’s a community of Change Makers.
The conference was conceived by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, John Maxwell, Lanny Donoho, and many other young leaders. Their mission today is to embolden leaders all over the world.
When Is Catalyst Conference 2015?
Every Catalyst Atlanta event has been held in the month of October. This year is no different.
Catalyst will be held on October 7-9th at the Gwinett Center.
Who’s Speaking At Catalyst This Year?
That’s a great question. The lineup is large and impressive.
Here’s the current speaker list:
Andy Stanley – Senior pastor at Northpoint Church. Author of Ask It.
Louie Giglio – Pastor of Passion City Church
Dr. Brene Brown – Social scientist and best-selling author of Daring Greatly and Rising Strong
Erwin McManus – Founder of Mosaic church. Author of The Artisan Soul
David Crowder – Musical genius, Grammy-nominated recording artist
Jon Foreman – Founding member of the band Switchfoot
Guy Kawasaki – The former chief evangelist for Apple. Current chief evangelist for Canva
and so many more
What Is The Theme For Catalyst Atlanta?
This year’s theme is very exciting. Catalyst decided on the theme of Awaken The Wonder.
What does this mean?
Just as the wonder of the world points to God, a sight unseen, so too should our acts of creation bridge the gap between what is and what could be. We transfer wonder when we awaken it in others. Leadership is about providing a lens through which others can see. A heart awakened to wonder invites others to follow in its path. It connects ultimate existence to daily experience, helping others see the solutions, rewards, treasures, they previously could not see.
Wonder invites potential. Wonder provides vision. Wonder inspires. Wonder leads us to God.
It’s time to awaken the wonder.
-Excerpt from Catalyst’s Website
I’m excited. Are you?
Who Should Attend Catalyst?
In my opinion, every person in a position of leadership should attend Catalyst.
Church leaders will learn from the presenters. Business leaders will gain new insights. Even those leading non-profit businesses will get something out of Catalyst.
So, what I’m saying is that YOU should attend Catalyst this year. And I want to make it easy for you to attend this year’s Catalyst by giving away a ticket worth $299 to this year’s event.
You can enter to win by completing the form below by 9/25/2015 5:00 pm EST.
What Else Is Happening During Catalyst?
Paul Sohn and I have to host the unofficial Catalyst blogger meetup. This event will take place on the evening of October 7th from 6:30P M to 9:30 PM ET at the fantastic California Dreaming restaurant.
Not only will you get to meet other bloggers at the meetup, you will have the opportunity to take home free books and meet representatives from publishing companies.
Even if you’re not attending the conference, we’d still love to have you join us. It’ll be a great time.
Check out the details for the meetup here.
Question: Have you attended a Catalyst event in the past? What did you think of it? If not, what’s holding you back?
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.