Growing up, life was pretty good. I had loving parents. I had good friends. I had everything a kid could hope for.
Except one thing.
The one thing I was missing was a positive sports experience.

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A memory that looms large in my mind is of being benched during my first, and only, season of little league baseball. Sitting on the bench while all of the other kids played baseball seemed like the worst thing that could happen to me.
I was wrong and there were other things that have taken the place of being benched. Yet this memory looms large. It held me back for many years.
And then last year I was invited to join my work’s recreation softball team. This was a blast. I discovered I wasn’t so bad at softball/baseball. I could add value to the team.
This year I was invited to play on a local soccer team by my wife’s cousin. I was very hesitant to accept the invitation to play. I had fears and doubts about my ability to play.
However, I accepted and decided to lace up the soccer cleats and give sports another shot. I have to say it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made.
Try Something Old Again
For years I held off from attempting any kind of sport. My mind told me I didn’t have what it took to play. I had to overcome the thought pattern of defeat.
Those memories of embarrassment from youth sports held me back from enjoying sports and the team comradaery that comes from playing together.
In the end, I decided I should try something old, once again. I faced the fears I had of playing ball. I faced the fears of playing a sport I’d never attempted before.
By taking this small risk, it’s propelled me forward and has increased my curiosity about other activities I’m missing out on.
Why You Try Again
You never know what you’ll discover when you try once again. Like me, you may discover you enjoyed something you thought you were no good at. You may discover there’s talent hidden just beneath the surface. You may discover a new group of friends.
By pushing past the previous fears you once held onto, you move yourself into new situations that breathe new breath into your life. You also begin to see connections where there were none before.
You’re able to see the thoughts you previously held weren’t so true. There’s a better truth hidden from your view, if only because you weren’t ready to see it.
What This Means For Your Leadership
Many leaders are scared to try something that failed long ago. They think if they try again they’ll experience the same results.
That’s true. You may experience the same failure, again.
And then there’s the brighter possibility. The possibility that the failure was only for a time.
The failure may have been caused from a lack of experience. The failure may have been caused because your team wasn’t fully prepared. The failure may have been caused by a lack of knowledge.
Today, I want to encourage you to try something old again. Look into the archives and find a past failure. See if you can attempt the task again and change the outcome. If you see hope, give it a shot.
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