Another month bites the dust and we’ve moved from May to June. Can you believe how fast the year’s been moving? I don’t know about you but it seems every time I turn around another month has passed us by.

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And that means it’s time for the monthly recap of Within this post you’ll find out what posts were the most popular, who commented the most, site statistics, and site news. I hope you’re ready because I’m ready to let you have it!
Top Posts
1. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery – This post reached the top due to the search engines. I see many visitors everyday to this post because people were brought to the site searching for information about modern day slavery.
2. 6 Books Leaders Should Read By The End Of The Year – Leaders are coming to this post by Google searches as well. Like they say, leaders are readers.
3. How To Give Effective Praise – We’ve got an evergreen post here. It’s getting to be close to a year old but it’s still receiving plenty of views.
4. 9 Signs You’re A Leader – Readers have been sharing this post quite a bit. Having a community that shares your old content is key to attracting new visitors.
5. Sometimes The Grass Really Is Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence – Another evergreen piece of content here. This one is over a year old yet still receives great traffic. I believe it has to do with the title, content, and killer keywords.
6. 5 Characteristics Of Real Discipleship – I had the pleasure of having Chad Barrett guest post on my site over a year old. His piece is still shining bright and getting traffic today. Did you catch my last blog post giving you the chance to share on my platform?
7. It’s Time To Start Using Adult Language – A post inspired by the late Zig Ziglar. The title of this post threw some readers for a loop. They weren’t sure what I was going to say until they read the post. It also caused several readers to unsubscribe. Definitely an interesting lesson in how to title a blog post.
8. 5 Keys To Building A Loyal Blog Following – There was quite a bit of activity on this post in the social media arena. It was heavily shared on Twitter and Facebook. People are looking for a way to build a loyal blog following. If you’ve got the information, share it and you’ll gain attention.
9. The 20 Mile March – One of the oldest posts on the blog is still holding a top 10 position.
10. Discover Your Leadership Style Through The Chick-Fil-A LeaderCast App – This post was helping to advertise the Chick-Fil-A LeaderCast’s newest product. The app is a fun way to see how you lead.
Top Commenters
1. Jon Stolpe
2. Dan Black
3. DS
4. Self Storage – I’m not sure who he is but he’s been commenting like crazy!
6. Dan Erickson
7. TC Avey
8. Tom Dixon
9. Josue Molina
10. TJ Trent
Thanks once again to each and everyone who commented on the blog this month. It’s a pleasure to interact with everyone.
I especially enjoy learning from the comments. While I dish out content in the blog posts, you guys help me expand upon it, challenge it, and grow from it.
Site Statistics
This month has been the best month the site has ever seen. Thank you for visiting and sharing the content with your friends. Without you, this blog wouldn’t be growing.
Visits – Increased 21.51%
Unique Visitors – Increased 25.08%
Pageviews – Increased 17.30%
Pages Per Visit – Decreased 3.46%
Average Visit Duration – Decreased 4.29%
Bounce Rate – Increased 7.51%
New Visitors – Increased 3.68%
Like I said, the month did really well in regards to growth. I was surprised to see unique visitors jump over 25%. That’s the good news.
The bad news is I have a feeling this growth isn’t sustainable and it will level off to a lower level.
I also realize summer is coming up. That means blog traffic normally slows down considerably. If you see that happen on your site, don’t worry! It’s normal.
Site News
I shared that I have a book coming out quite often in the monthly reviews. I can tell you another step was taken.
I hired a designer to create a cover for the eBook and I think it looks fantastic. The title will be Leadership Is Danger: 4 Traps Every Leader Will Face. The plan is to release the book in the next month or two.
In my last post, I invited you to take the plunge and guest post on my site. A few readers have taken me up on the offer. I hope you will to. But if that’s not for you, is there anyone you can encourage to read the post and guest post on the site? Please think about that.
There’s also an exciting academy style program I’m working to create with a partner of mine. The academy will take you through the steps to get started and moving towards a better future.
Question: If you’re a blogger, what was your top post? Are you working on anything exciting? If you’re not a blogger, share a post that had a great impact. Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.