Top Posts And Commenters For April 2015

Seeing April come to an end marks one third of the year gone. Can you believe it?

The year 2015 seems like it started yesterday but we’ve already entered the fifth month of the year. Crazy, I tell you!

april 2015 wordle

I hope this year has only gotten better for you as the year has progressed. Ours definitely has.

With that said, it’s time to get to business today. Today’s post is all about what happened last month and what’s going to happen going forward.

So, let’s take a look at the top posts, the top commenters, the blog statistics, and happenings in my life.

Top Blog Posts

1. 12 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Furious 7

2. 20 Encouraging Bible Verses For Young Leaders

3. 16 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Big Hero 6

4. 40 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Netflix’s Daredevil

5. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Unbroken

6. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From X-Men: Days Of Future Past

7. 25 Leadership Quotes From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

8. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Maze Runner

9. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery

10. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Transformers: Age Of Extinction

Every single post in the top 10 list this month was a list post. It’s been said that list posts are effective because they let people know what to expect. I’m beginning to see the truth in this.

There’s also the fact that 70% of the list is made up of pop culture leadership lessons. Whether it’s from Marvel movies, action movies, or a TV series, you guys are totally digging the lessons I draw out from entertainment sources.

Well, there’s good news. There’s plenty more where those came from and I have an exciting announcement to make in the news section, though if you read the leadership lessons from Avengers 2 you will already know what’s coming.

Top Commenters

1. Jon Stolpe

2. Kiki Stamatiou

3. Charles Johnston

4. Dan Knight

5. Jeffrey P. Rush

6. Jon Stallings

7. Paul Sohn

8. Chris Lautsbaugh

9. Kemkem

10. Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg

It’s great to see new names on the list. Kiki, Jeffrey, and Kemkem are all new additions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and life on the blog.

Site Statistics

Sessions – Increased 32.48%

Users – Increased 33.04%

Pageviews – Increased 31.47%

Pages Per Session – Decreased 0.76%

Average Session Duration – Increased 4.59%

Bounce Rate – Decreased 6.28%

New Sessions – Increased 1.80%

If you remember, the last couple of months we saw a decline in almost every site statistic. Sessions, users, pageviews, etc were all down considerably.

Now, this month they saw a great rebound.

As you’re blogging, remember this. You will have good months and you will have bad months. Don’t give up.

Site News

My friend Kent Sanders and I have created a team of super-bloggers/podcasters to do a crossover series this summer. With all of the summer movies coming out, we thought it would be great to join forces and share the leadership wisdom other bloggers see in movies. We’re calling this series Reel Leadership and I hope you’ll visit some of their sites as we progress through the summer.

Question: How was your month? If you’re a blogger, share your most popular post. If you’re not, share your favorite post from a blogger you follow.

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