We’re really starting to close in on the end of the year now. The books have closed on October and we’ve moved into November.
That means it’s time for the monthly blog review. In this post you’ll find out which blog posts received the most traffic, who commented the most (was it you?), and other exciting things happening on JMLalonde.com.
Top Posts
1. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From X-Men: Days Of Future Past
2. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction
3. 20 Encouraging Bible Verses For Young Leaders
4. 13 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Maleficent
5. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Maze Runner
6. 12 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Amazing Spider-Man 2
7. Live Leadership Notes From Craig Groeschel At Catalyst 2014
8. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery
9. Live Leadership Notes From Andy Stanley’s Last Session At Catalyst 2014
10. 25 Leadership Quotes From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The top posts are seeing a slight shift again. The list is still populated by the leadership lessons from movies posts but other posts are either trickling back in or new ones are emerging.
Seeing 2 posts from the Catalyst Conference is exciting. The leadership conference was packed with information every leader should hear.
Top Commenters
It’s now time to honor those that took the time to comment and share their thoughts on the blog. Thanks for being social and interacting with me!
1. RcMaFitness
2. Ed Oyama
4. Jon Stolpe
7. Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg
8. Tony Palus
9. Bradley Gann
10. Dan Black
Site Statistics
At the end of every month, I like to review what’s happened on the blog and see how the month compared to the previous month. Not only do I believe this helps me see where I’ve gone right and where I’ve gone wrong, I think it can help you.
I’m truthful when it comes to the stats on my site. You get to see the good and the bad. If you’re a blogger, you know the ups and the downs can be frustrating. That’s one of the reasons I love to share the blog traffic stats.
Sessions – Increased 24.99%
Users – Increased 23.47%
Pageviews – Increased 30.09%
Pages Per Session – Increased 4.08%
Average Session Duration – Increased 11.02%
Bounce Rate – Decreased 5.02%
New Sessions – Decreased 0.69%
Looking at these statistics, this month went really well. We saw quite a bit of increase in traffic. However, the increase in blog traffic this month negates what was lost last month.
Remember, you’ll have times when you see tremendous growth in your blog but you will also have times when growth goes stagnant or even decreases. Don’t worry about that and keep doing what’s working.
Site News
October was a very exciting month. Lots of great things happened.
I was privileged to be a part of the Catalyst Leadership Conference blogging team. You probably saw all of the Catalyst related posts at the beginning of the month. That’s why!
More work was done on the eBook I’ll be releasing in the next month or two. The topic will be maximizing your drive time. Do you think this will be of help to you?
Lastly, an article of mine was picked up by The Good Men Project. Take a look and see how the band Skillet can teach you to be a rock star leader.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.