Today, I’m live-blogging from the Catalyst West conference in Irvine, California. Throughout today and tomorrow, I will be sharing leadership insights from the best and the brightest in the church and business world.
Graham Cooke is a very popular speaker with a passion for empowering the people of God to walk in their true identity. He’s been involved with apostolic teams since 1981 and cultivated his expertise in transitional development, corporate reinvention, and personal redefinition.
When God describes who you are, He then relates to you as you are that for the rest of your life:
God works from your identity. He doesn’t work from your circumstances.
Your circumstances are not your problem. Your perception of yourself is your problem.
God doesn’t see you as WHO you are. He sees you as you’re becoming.
God doesn’t do big change all at once. God does little changes through time.
One of the reasons you’re not moving forward is because you’re asking God to bless what you’re doing. God doesn’t bless what you’re doing. God blesses you.
Identity is made up of 3 things:
Your Perspective
Your Mindset
Your Language
When you trust God, faith is dead-easy. Many times you wonder if God will do something for you. When you trust God, you know what He’ll do. He’s consistent and unpredictable. But He’s the same all the time.
He’s confident in Himself. He’s confident in what He’s going to do. And He’s confident in WHO you’re becoming.
You don’t become a new person by changing your behavior. You discover who you are in Christ and you begin to live out who you are.
There’s enough grace for you to upgrade yourself today.
Too many people want new but think old. What are you thinking? What you think about God is the most powerful thought you’ll ever have.
Starting thinking new. Start thinking about what’s possible, not what’s not.
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