The Shattering Of Trust

It’s confession time. As a young person, I used to love comics. Like seriously love comic books.

Every Tuesday I would head to the local comic shops: Homerun Comics, Lange’s Sports Connection, Campus Sports, and one other comic book store I can’t recall the name of (But I can recall the owners, the location, and even the smell of the store).

Comics were huge to me. They also caused my trust to be shattered in a way that still sticks with me.

A love of reading and comic books with X-Man Beast

Image by Dashu Pagla

Even today, I can vividly remember the day my heart sunk and I was devastated. What could cause my young heart to be crushed?

The cause was a letter I received in the mail. It wasn’t a Dear John letter or a letter informing me of some tragic event.

21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From X-Men: Days Of Future Past

A Reel Leadership Article

Holy cow has this been a blockbuster year for superhero movies! Captain America: The Winter Soldier and The Amazing Spider-man 2 have already released. This past Friday was the release of the newest X-Men movie, Days Of Future Past.

X-Men: Days Of Future Past has probably been the superhero movie I’ve most anticipated. I grew up on the X-Men. I devoured any X-Men comic book I could get my hands on, even the off-shoots and mini-runs of comics. They were what I loved to immerse myself in!

So, when they announced one of the coolest comic book storylines was being released at the theater, I was ecstatic. And I knew I had to see it opening weekend. I also knew I had to look for leadership lessons in the X-Men universe.

Learn leadership lessons from X-Men: Days Of Future Past