Leadership Lessons From Running A Half Marathon At 3AM

Why I Ran A Half Marathon At 3AM

Many months ago, my pastor came up with a crazy idea: Let’s run a half marathon! (For those of you who don’t know, a half marathon is 13.1 miles. That’s a long distance to go by foot.) That sounds crazy enough on its own. The next thing he said was: at 3 AM.

Wait… What? Did I just hear Pastor Ben right? He wants me to run a half marathon early in the morning? Well, he had. And I tentatively agreed.

half marathon leadership lessons

There was no firm commitment on my part. I think I said: I think I could do that.

Over the next couple of months, we did a couple of preparation runs. We started out at a 6 or 7 miler. Our last run together was 10 miles. That was two weeks before the half marathon.

I was cautious. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to accomplish the whole distance.

Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Dark Tower

A Reel Leadership Article

Stephen King’s epic dark fantasy, horror, and Western book series finally hit the big screen this weekend. The Dark Tower tells the story of a gunslinger, Roland Deschain (Idris Alba), and a young boy named Jake Chambers (Tom Taylor).

Jake saw visions of a desolate Earth. It looked like a wasteland except for a gunslinger and the Man In Black (No, not Johnny Cash) who we discover is really named Walter O’Dim (Matthew McMcConaughey). The gunslinger and the Man In Black are locked in a battle to save the Dark Tower or destroy the Dark Tower.

leadership lessons and quotes from Stephen King's The Dark Tower

Jake’s mother and step-father wouldn’t believe he was having dreams of actual events. They eventually agree to send him to a special psychiatric hospital for help. Once Jake realizes the people sent from Sombra were not who they said they were, the adventure of The Dark Tower Begins.

3 Ways A Leader Can Gain Commitment From Their Team

While leadership is about influencing others and helping them to grow, it’s hard to lead when there’s no commitment from those you’re trying to lead. Doing so is like beating a dead horse.

Having committed team members means you’ve created a connection with them. You’ve provided that special sauce that makes them devoted to the mission you’ve laid out before them.

That’s awesome! But what happens when you’re unable to gain commitment from a team member? Things start to go south, real quick.

This is why it’s so important that you get people who are psyched up and ready to go. They want to follow you and make your vision a reality.

But how does a leader gain commitment? I think the following 3 ways will work in most situations.

What’s Your Strategy?

Whether you’re leading a church organization, a for-profit business, or even writing a blog, we can easily overlook a key part of our work. Creating and crafting an executable strategy.

Having a strategy for my blog is something I’ve struggled with.

We need strategy for growth

I know the direction I want to go with my blog. My mission is to help equip young leaders with the best leadership content out there.

To do this, I’ve consistently created content around leadership and personal growth. There’s been huge success in that aspect.

However, I’ve failed to grow the business side of the blog.

There’s a reason. I lacked a strategy for bringing in an income.

We Need A Strategy

Without a strategy, we will flounder in trying to grow what we’re building. We may know where we want to go.

While we may know where we want to go. That is vision.

3 Steps To Be A Courageous Leader

Great leaders will embrace their pain. Great leaders know there will be danger ahead. Great leaders see challenges and run towards them.

Do you know what each of these traits have in common?

They are the epitome of a courageous leader.

What it takes to be a courageous leader

What Is Courage?

Webster’s Dictionary defines courage as:

The ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous

Courage means you face the tough trials in life. When there’s pain, you embrace or face it. When there’s danger, you confront it. When you’re challenged, you don’t back down.

These actions are courageous.

They take chutzpah. They take guts. They forge ahead!

How To Become A Courageous Leader

I believe courage is an integral part of a leader. You can’t beat new paths or cast vision without a little bit of courage.