Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

A Reel Leadership Article

The original The Lego Movie spawned multiple other Lego movies recently released a sequel. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part continues the story of Finn (Jadon Sand) and his Lego land of wonder.

In the sequel, Finn’s Legos are attacked by strange, alien creatures who want to destroy the wonderous Lego land in his basement. The aliens attack and eat a heart one of the Lego characters had created. Thus, begins their descent into the desolate Wasteland.

Lucy and Emmet in The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Scene from The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

The once cheerful characters have had to become hardened. They fear what is to come and how to save themselves.

Gone are the cheerful colors. Instead, they are replaced with browns and blacks. Colors that will keep away the invading aliens.

You Can’t Keep Looking Back

If you want to move forward, you have to give up doing something. That something is looking back. Constantly looking back to the past will hinder you from moving forward.

From becoming a better husband. From being a better husband. And from being a better leader.

You have to stop looking to the past - Woman looking behind her

Photo by Roberto Nickson

It’s hard to look forward and away from the past. There are so many awesome things to look back upon.

You’ve accomplished so much. You’re proud of the time you took your wife to the perfect vacation spot and the time you spent there. Or you fondly recall the time you helped lead your team to win the sales competition in your department.

All good things! All things you should be proud of. But what happens when you constantly look back?

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Marvel’s Planet Hulk

Long before the rumors of a live-action Planet Hulk movie and the partial Planet Hulk story in Thor: Ragnarok, Planet Hulk was a direct-to-video Marvel animation film. The movie tells the story of a permanently transformed Bruce Banner as the Hulk.

Because of the danger the Hulk possesses, the Avengers decided to send him off to a peaceful planet. As you can guess, something goes wrong. The Hulk wakes up mid-flight and goes into a berserker rage. He destroys crucial navigational instruments and the ship flies off-course.

Marvel animated movie Planet Hulk

Crashing landing on the alien planet of Sakaar, he is greeted by aggressors. The Hulk (Rick D. Wasserman) is imprisoned along with other aliens. Their captors force the captives to fight for their freedoms.

Only then do the people realize who the Hulk is. He is the savior of their world.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Avengers: Infinity War

A Reel Leadership Article

The last ten years of movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a slow build that ended this weekend. This weekend, Marvel heroes including Captain America (Chris Evans), Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), and others finally face off against the Mad Titan himself, Thanos (Josh Brolin).

Everything Marvel has done in their movie universe led viewers to this moment. A moment of complete devastation.

the quotes and leadership lessons you'll find in Avengers: Infinity War

It also led to an Avengers movie full of leadership lessons. You can watch Avengers: Infinity War and walk away a better leader.

Let’s dig into the leadership lessons from Avengers: Infinity War and see how the movie can impact your leadership.

Caution: Avengers: Infinity War spoilers below.

Is It Time To Change The Soundtrack Of Your Life?

Research tells us that by this point in the year over 80% of people have given up on their New Year’s resolution. The resolutions, the goals people have set have been given up.

Stop the negative soundtrack playing in your life

Maybe you’re in the same boat. You resolved to lose 30 pounds by June. You weighed yourself and you’re up 3 pounds. So you give up. Or maybe you decided to learn how to play guitar. It’s now February 21 and you haven’t touched the guitar. You’ve given up. Or maybe you wanted to read 36 books in 2018. You’ve only read one and you feel it’s too late to catch up. So you’ve stopped reading.

For each of these failures, you’ve begun to play a soundtrack in your mind. A soundtrack of negativity.