Meetings Must Die (Have More Productive Meetings)

Meetings… Is there a bigger bane to a leader than a meeting that runs on and on and on? I think not.

Meetings have become a productivity nightmare. You wrangle in multiple team members, hold them hostage in a room for half an hour or longer, and then try to figure out a reason for the meeting.

Read until the end to get your free PDF checklist for more productive meetings.

Find ways to have more productive meetings

Normally, you have a good idea going into the meeting what you want to accomplish. You may want to:

  • Figure out how to increase productivity on the shop floor
  • Decide what steps to take to increase cash flow for the business
  • Launch a new product that will revolutionize your industry
  • Choose a new team leader for a major product

Why Employees Leave Your Organization

Losing an employee can land a damaging blow to you and your organization. Especially when you lose a good employee.

And every leader tries to figure out the best way to keep the best. But even those employees will leave at some point.

That’s natural. Most employees will leave an organization at some point. Though a lot of times you’ll wind up wondering why an employee left.

Employees leave for varying reasons

Employees Come And Go


It’s a difficult idea to face. Employees don’t stick around forever.

The 40-hour workweek is gone. So is the time of an employee putting in 30-40 years and retiring with a golden watch.

Employees are beginning to learn they’re more in control of their future than the organization. And I like to think that is a good thing.

You Must Be Yourself

Every leader has a big temptation in front of them. The temptation is whether to be true to who they are or to be who they think others want them to be.

The shocking truth is that the people you lead want you to be yourself, not some fake.

Get rid of self doubt and shame

Why We Struggled Being Our True Selves

Let’s be honest here, being yourself is scary. I remember elementary school.

Kids would pick on me relentlessly. Whether it was the fact that I wore Hush Puppies or that I was a giant among my peers. The kids in my school picked on and bullied me.

The sad thing about the constant taunting was that I was being picked on for things that I couldn’t change.

Are Your Employees Satisfied?

Employee dissatisfaction is a major factor in leaving a job. Employees don’t want to work for a place they don’t enjoy.

Unfortunately, we’re not doing a good job of surveying the workplace environment to see how employees are feeling.

Survey your empoyees

Because of this, we see large numbers of employees come and go. That’s not good for business. And that’s not good for leadership either.

Leaders should desire to create a workplace that attracts top talent. We should also make sure our talent wants to stay with us.

We can’t help keep our top talent if we’re not aware of how satisfied they are.

Areas Of Employee Satisfaction

When thinking about surveying your employees, you need to decide which metrics actually matter to your team. Does your team want better pay, more recognition, autonomy, flexible hours?

Each of these areas matter to different employees.

Everyone Has Value

Have you ever played a game of chess? It’s a game of strategy. It’s also a game of value.

Don't discount the value of your team

Each chess piece has value. Each piece has its purpose.

From the Pawn to the King, there’s value to be had.

Everyone Has Value

Much like chess, every member of your team has value.

From the janitor to the salesman to the CEO. Each person brings a unique skill to the table.

Take the janitor for example. He takes pride in keeping the shop floor clean and safe. He also takes out the trash in the office area and makes sure any messes are cleaned up.

This can add tremendous value that we don’t see.

The clean shop floor provides for safe transport of materials. Team members will feel better because there’s a sense of calm with an uncluttered floor.