Why Your Lack Of Education May Be Your Biggest Leadership Strength

While many potential and current leaders see a lack of education as a weakness, I believe your lack of education can be your biggest strength. You might be surprised for the reasons. Yet, when I’m finished, I think you’ll agree.

You don’t have to be formally educated to lead. Though being educated doesn’t hurt. But what happens when you’re not educated?

Three men gathered around a laptop with a big bookshelf in the background

Photo by Pricilla Du Preez

You might believe other leaders are looking down on you. They see someone who hasn’t paid their dues or doesn’t have the commitment to stick through formal education. There’s a good chance they’d be wrong on both accounts.

Don’t be shamed by those who claim you have to have gone to college to become a leader. You don’t have to go through all of the schooling they say you do.

Becoming An Educated Leader

Through the uneducated leader series, you might have begun to realize it’s okay to become a leader without a formal education. There are plenty of leaders who have or are leading without a college degree. On might even be one of those. Or maybe you’re a leader who once thought everybody needs a formal education.

Man in a blue graduation cap and gown

Photo by Muhammad Rizwa

Where ever you land on this spectrum, I’m glad you’re here and learning about the different ways you can become an educated leader. We’re going to look at ways you can expand your wisdom and become educated.

It’s Okay To Continue To Learn

One of the saddest things a leader can do is to stop learning. Whether this means a leader who stopped reading books once they graduated high school or college to they no longer seek out the wisdom of those further along the journey than they are.