What Will You Leave Behind?

This is a question every leader should be asking himself. What will I leave behind?

Leadership is not a permanent position. You will transition out of leadership.

And one of the greatest things people can say is that you transitioned out well and left something behind.

We all leave something behind when we leave leadership

Your leadership will impact various aspects of the organization you lead. From the staff to high-level leadership to customers, your ability to lead impacts all of these areas.

You will also impact these areas when you leave an organization.

What Will You Leave Behind For Staff Members?

Your staff are the people you’re over. You’re giving direction and guiding where they go.

When you leave, there will be a void. You need to leave something for them.

You should leave your staff with:

A sense of accomplishment: Not of what YOU have done but of what THEY have been able to accomplish with your leadership.

Making The Choice To Move On

Being chosen for a position of leadership is a great honor. It shows someone noticed your potential and asked you to come along for the ride. Or maybe you chose yourself to lead. You took measured action and stepped up to the plate. And you’ve been leading ever since.

But there comes a day when we’ve all got to make the choice to move on. Whether or not you make the choice is up to you.

Moving on

Image by Mark Fosh

However, it’s a decision you don’t make lightly. You know you’ve been blessed with a great position, leading a great team, and having the time of your life. Except for when it’s not.

Let’s look at 3 reasons you might make the choice to move on in your leadership duties.

The Responsibilities Of Leadership

We’ve all heard that leadership is influence. This quote from John Maxwell is great. There’s truth behind what’s being said. When we influence others, we are leading.

However, there’s also responsibility that comes along with leadership.

I believe we far too often overlook the responsibilities of leaders. Sure, we know what leaders are supposed to do.

Leaders are supposed to:

Guide your team

Influence others to action

Cast a vision

Share the message

Create teams

And more…

It’s great to know what we’re supposed to do as leaders. These actions give us a road map for leadership.

And yet leadership is so much deeper than tasks.

Leadership means taking on responsibility.

Responsibilities Of Leadership

As leaders we’ve got responsibilities to those we lead. We’re going to be held accountable for the actions we take and where we lead our followers.

Passing The Leadership Baton

We’re running towards the goal. Full tilt. Knowing that we have to step up our games as a leader.

But there comes a time when we must face the toughest task a leader must face. The task to pass the leadership baton to the next generation.

Why This Is Difficult

The transition was difficult. It’s hard to stop something that you’ve enjoyed and that has been very rewarding.
— Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

To some, passing the leadership baton seems to come easy. They’re able to pass the baton just like Olympians. During their greatest burst of speed, they hand off the baton and the next person takes up the race.

For most, this isn’t the case. They like to hold onto their position of leadership as long as possible. Keeping the title and the responsibility.

There’s the struggle.