Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The Boys In The Boat

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

In 1936, the University of Washington’s Junior Varsity crew team did something amazing. The crew team consisted of Don Hume (Jack Mulhern), Joe Rantz (Callum Turner), George “Shorty” Hunt Bruce Herbelin-Earle), Jim McMillin Wil Coban), John ‘Johnny’ White (Tom Varey), Gordy Adam (Joel Phillimore), Charles ‘Chuck’ Day (Thomas Elms), Roger Morris (Sam Strike), cox Bob ‘Bobby’ Moch (Luke Slattery). They beat varsity teams and then went to the Olympics. From there, they won the Olympic games and took home gold medals for the USA.

These boys, not men, competed in one of the most grueling sports imaginable. Most people don’t even know what crewing is. I only knew what crew was because of the ethical clothing boutique my wife shops at and does a side hustle for. 

The University of Washington Junior Varsity crew team in their boat