4 Tips For Creating Better Relationships

It’s no secret that most people spend more time in the office with their coworkers than with their own families. These office relationships can be tense, terse, and frustrating. 

Without intentional actions, we can have poor workplace relationships. That means you’re going to a place day in and day out that you dread going to because you can’t stand the people you work with.

We can change that. YOU can change that.

By working on your relationships in the workplace, you can create a haven for yourself and those you lead. How do you develop better relationships? 

I’ve got 4 tips to make them better. Try them on for size and see what works for you.

4 Tips For Creating Better Relationships

1. Give people the benefit of the doubt:

We all want people to give us the benefit of the doubt. After all, you would never do anything to harm or frustrate someone intentionally. Right?!?

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Marvel’s Planet Hulk

Long before the rumors of a live-action Planet Hulk movie and the partial Planet Hulk story in Thor: Ragnarok, Planet Hulk was a direct-to-video Marvel animation film. The movie tells the story of a permanently transformed Bruce Banner as the Hulk.

Because of the danger the Hulk possesses, the Avengers decided to send him off to a peaceful planet. As you can guess, something goes wrong. The Hulk wakes up mid-flight and goes into a berserker rage. He destroys crucial navigational instruments and the ship flies off-course.

Marvel animated movie Planet Hulk

Crashing landing on the alien planet of Sakaar, he is greeted by aggressors. The Hulk (Rick D. Wasserman) is imprisoned along with other aliens. Their captors force the captives to fight for their freedoms.

Only then do the people realize who the Hulk is. He is the savior of their world.