Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The Beekeeper

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

Pamela and I were invited to a special sneak preview of the upcoming movie The Beekeeper in IMAX format. In The Beekeeper, Jason Statham plays Adam Clay. Clay is a former Beekeeper, a powerful and top-secret organization that takes care of problems no one else can. He comes out of retirement after the only person who ever took care of him, Eloise Parker (Phylicia Rashad), committed suicide after being scammed by phishers.

A bald man with a stubble beard looking to the left. Bees are swarming around him. Yellow background. Scene from The Beekeeper movie.

This sets Clay on a deadly path. He tears through people in his way until he gets to the top of the food chain of the phishing scheme. 

The Beekeeper goes full throttle on the action, just like you’d expect from a Jason Statham movie. You’ll feel the whiplash as cars explode, bodies fall, and Clay seeks to right a wrong that shouldn’t have happened.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Adam Driver And 65 Movie

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

65 is the new science-fiction movie starring Adam Driver as Mills, a pilot whose ship crash lands on an alien world (which turns out to be Earth). The plot thickens as he discovers he’s not alone on the planet. One passenger survived. The survivor is a young girl named Koa (Ariana Greenblatt).

The movie is an interesting film. The cast is small. Looking at IMDB, they have a total of five, yes five, cast members listed. This may be one of the smallest cast of actors since Will Smith’s I Am Legend. While there are five cast members listed, a majority of the film focuses on two, Mills and Koa.

There are also a couple of twists and turns. You think the film is going to be a dinosaur movie. To an extent, that’s true. However, the threat in the movie turns from dinosaurs to an impending asteroid strike.

Stop Isolating Yourself

I’ve watched the last couple of months as the church world has been rocked by suicides from Pastors Jim Howard of Real Life Church and Andrew Stoecklein of Inland Hills Church. I’ve also heard of suicides in the business and professional worlds. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain both took their lives as well.

This breaks my heart. The world is losing brilliant minds to depression, mental illness, and emptiness. These men and women no longer see the value in continuing to live their lives.

Woman standing with her head down

Photo by Eric Ward

Time after time, you hear from their friends and families how they couldn’t see this coming. They seemed so happy, so alive. Suicide was the last thing on their minds. But they were wrong.

Suicides are happening. To those you know and love. To those you may have heard of. To those you don’t know.

Supporting Our Servicemen And Veterans During The Holidays With Dan Dwyer

The Answers From Leadership Episode 027

The guest for today’s show is Dan Dwyer. Dan has spent time as an army officer and retired 10 years ago. He’s now helping guide leaders and organizations to achieve transformational results.

We can help support the men and women in our armed forces this holiday and Christmas season

Listen To The Answers From Leadership Podcast

Show Notes:

Dan, can you tell us a little about yourself?

I spent 22 as an army officer. I’m a paternal twin and my twin brother still serves in the navy, he’s in his 32nd year. We were raised by our aunt and uncle.

This month will be 10 years since I took off the uniform.

Most of my focus is on leadership development at coachtoperform.com. That’s really my passion.

We’d discussed on LinkedIn about today’s topic: Leading veterans and servicemen in the workplace…

Yeah, particularly this time of the year, as leaders, we have to be mindful of some of the stressors, typically the holiday season, both at peacetime and especially the last decade plus, it’s been where suicides have increased.