Developing The Ability To Endure Leadership Stress

Leading requires endurance. You have to have the ability to continue through the pain, heartache, and frustrations to get yourself through to the other side. The side of milk and honey. The side of feeling accomplished.

But you can’t do that if you don’t have endurance.

I think I know a thing or two about endurance. Having run multiple half and full marathons along with a handful of 25Ks, I’ve had to push my body and mind to the breaking point to cross the finish line.

Just like we have to do as leaders. 

We have to push ourselves beyond what we think is possible. However, too many times, we do this with little to no preparation. We think it’s okay to hop into something new without building up our minds or bodies. Then, we feel like failures when we cannot accomplish what we set out to do.

5 Ways To Overcome Worry – Don’t Miss Out On The Free Checklist Included

Does your mind dwell on the difficulties or troubles of your position? Do you constantly feel stressed beyond your breaking point? Is anxiety starting to feel more like a friend than an enemy?

Then, you may be in a worry trap.

Worry is giving way to anxiety and unease, dwelling on difficulties and troubles. It’s also a leadership killer.

Worrying will shorten your life. And it’s not healthy. Worry will put undue stress on your body and mind, activate your base instincts, and fills your body with cortisol. 

That’s something none of us want in our lives. So, what can we do about worry? We can use the following ways to overcome worry and feel a little more lighthearted in our lives.

Coping With Stress And Burnout As A Leader

Leaving the office doesn’t always relieve the sense of stress or frustration you feel. You often carry it home. There, you unleash that frustration on those closest to you: your family.

You know this isn’t right. Yet, the stress and impending burnout pull you in this negative direction. You’re not yourself; you’re someone who’s angry, broken, and bitter.

You want to be better than this. You don’t want to snap at your spouse, yell at your child, or fume angrily.

Did you know it’s possible? You don’t have to live a life of frustration. You don’t have to burnout. You can be something more than this.

Identifying Sources Of Stress And Burnout Of Leaders

What causes undue amounts of stress for leaders? Why do leaders burnout? 

I’ve heard these questions asked again and again. I’ve seen the results of stress and burnout. They’re not pretty. 

3 Ways To Establish And Maintain Healthy Work-Life Balance

I feel like my family gets the short end of the stick. I never have time to do the things I love to do. Work is always calling me and I have to answer.

These are things I hear regularly from leaders around the world. There’s never enough time to get work and life done. One or the other gets neglected.

What if I told you it didn’t have to be this way? What if you could accomplish everything you needed at work and still spend time with loved ones doing what you love?

It’s possible. Not only is it possible but it’s something you need to do.

Man walking across a chasm. Walking a tightrope.

Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

3 Ways To Establish And Maintain Healthy Work-Life Balance

In this article, we will look at 3 ways you can establish and maintain a healthy work-life balance. You may be shocked at one or two of the suggestions. You may wonder why you didn’t think of these ideas before. 

How Strong Leaders Build Mental And Emotional Well-Being

It’s becoming increasingly apparent how important our mental and emotional well-being is. From leaders’ moral failures to the stories of leaders and pastors committing suicide, the focus has shifted from results to health.

Our mental health matters. Our emotional health matters. 

While we know this, we regularly ignore their importance. We look for ways to skirt around our mental and emotional health. We believe we can take care of it at some later time.

You can’t. And you won’t.

In fact, you might get to a point you can never take care of them. You’ll get to a point where you make the ultimate decision in your life.

I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to live a vibrant, thriving life. I want you to be healthy and whole.