6 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Leader

When you’re a leader, a lot is required of you.

You’re called upon to cast vision. You’re supposed to lead with unwavering conviction. You’re expected to do stuff.

But something that Peter Drucker once said struck me:

We spend a lot of time teaching our leaders what to do. We don’t spend enough time teaching them what to stop.

leaders shouldn't do these things

Isn’t that so true? We do a lot of teaching on the to-dos of leadership. We spend much less time instructing leaders on what to watch out for and what not to do.

So, let’s look at 6 things leaders need to stop doing.

6 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Leader

1. Leaders need to stop ignoring the concerns of their teams: Anyone who’s been on the front lines of an organization, that place where you’re dealing directly with the customer or you’re producing the product, knows there can be a disconnect between the leadership and what’s really happening on the floor. These team members are putting their blood, sweat, and tears into serving the organization.