Are You Carrying Around Digital Baggage?

Social Media May Be Weighing You Down

As I was sitting with a good friend of mine, Jeff of The Lounging Space, discussing life, love, and faith, we began to talk about baggage. Not the typical baggage you may think of.

We didn’t talk of lost loves. Or the pain of regret. No… We discussed digital baggage.

In today’s world, we’re carrying around Digital Baggage. More than we would like to admit.

What Is Digital Baggage?

Jeff and I came to the conclusion Digital Baggage consists of all of our social media channels. Facebook. YouTube. Twitter. Instagram. Google+, LinkedIn.

Each of these social media channels offers us something great. The opportunity to connect with long lost friends. The chance to stay in touch with new friends. And the ability to sell our wares to our connections.

But these social media channels also offers us something else. Digital Baggage.