You Can’t Keep Looking Back

If you want to move forward, you have to give up doing something. That something is looking back. Constantly looking back to the past will hinder you from moving forward.

From becoming a better husband. From being a better husband. And from being a better leader.

You have to stop looking to the past - Woman looking behind her

Photo by Roberto Nickson

It’s hard to look forward and away from the past. There are so many awesome things to look back upon.

You’ve accomplished so much. You’re proud of the time you took your wife to the perfect vacation spot and the time you spent there. Or you fondly recall the time you helped lead your team to win the sales competition in your department.

All good things! All things you should be proud of. But what happens when you constantly look back?

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Paul: Apostle Of Christ Movie

I recently was invited to an advance screening of the new Christian movie Paul: Apostle Of Christ. Paul: Apostle Of Christ shares the last days of Paul as he and Luke spend time together in Mamertine Prison and Luke writes down Paul’s story.

Jim Caviezel as Luke the Physician In Paul Apostle Of Christ Leadership Lessons

Paul: Apostle Of Christ is a moving story for any Christian and could be a powerful tool to introduce others to Christ and His love for them. I highly recommend you check out this great new Christian movie.

Not only will you find faith and hope in Paul: Apostle Of Christ, you will take away many leadership lessons from Paul: Apostle Of Christ.

Caution: Paul: Apostle Of Christ spoilers below.


Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Paul: Apostle Of Christ

1. Bad leaders place blame on the wrong people:

Paul: Apostle Of Christ takes place around 67 A.D. At this time, Rome was set ablaze.