5 Books Leaders Need To Read In March 2023

We’ve got to regularly take in new content to continue to grow our skills, talents, and ideas. That’s why I bring you a new list of books to read every month.

I don’t expect you to get through all five, though you may, especially if you listen to audiobooks while you run, bike, or commute to work.

The list is here to help you understand the great books that are available to you. I hope you’ll consider checking out at least one or two of these fantastic leadership books this month.

5 Leadership Books To Read In March 2023

1. The Coach’s Casebook: Mastering the Twelve Traits That Trap Us by Geoff Watts and Kim Morgan:

Authors Geoff Watts and Kim Morgan believe there are 12 traits every coach will encounter in their career. Watts and Morgan want to help you become prepared for these traits and the skills you need to navigate them.

5 Book Recommendations For The Rest Of 2012

There’s a saying: “Not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers.”

That can take the form of a physical book, an eBook, an audio book, or various other ways of consuming the information. The important thing is you’re reading.

Books on a Table

Image via Creative Commons

I’ve done quite a bit myself this year. I’m over my goal of 24 books for the year and continuing strong.

Through these 24 books, I obtained great ideas, new insights, and created new thought patterns.

All from picking up a book.

Today, I’d like to share with you what I feel are 5 books you should read before the end of the year.

    1. EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey – Dave shares years of insight into how he does business.  He gives you the nitty gritty on how you can build a successful business. All while staying out of debt. One of the best leadership books I’ve picked up all year.