Great Leaders Raise Questions

Many people think the job of a leader is to answer questions. People want answers and they’re looking to you for answers.

Great leaders do more than answering questions. They take leadership to the next level.

Leaders who know what they’re doing know leaders also need to raise questions of those they’re leading.

Don't think you have to have all the answers

Image by Roy Watts

Taking people by the hand and leading them from point A to point B is easy. This is the beginning stages of leadership.

Someone asks a question, you answer. Someone has a problem, you solve the issue.

Beginner leadership is all about being the go-to answer person.

Stepping deeper into leadership, great leaders begin to realize they have to do more than be an answer dispensing machine. Almost anyone can fill this role.

There’s a greater role to play than the answer-man. Leaders who have been in leadership long enough knows this truth.