5 Questions To Ask Every New Team Member

Onboarding a new team member can be a difficult task. You have to train them, integrate them into the team, and get to know them.

Each of these things can be hard in and of themselves. Combine them, and the task is overwhelming.

That’s why you need to have an arsenal of questions ready to ask new employees.


These questions aren’t meant to be an interrogation. Rather, the questions leaders need to ask of new employees are to get to know them and where they’re going to fit into the organization.

5 Questions To Ask Every New Team Member

1. How do you like to work?

Asking how do you like to work lets you know how the employee does their best work. Do they do better working in an open office environment or are they an introverted employee and like to work alone?

15 Questions Great Leaders Ask Other Leaders

Great leaders never stop learning. That’s why great leaders never fail to ask other leaders questions about leadership.

These leaders are hungry. They want to grow. They know they can’t lead by themselves.

So they ask. And ask. Then ask some more.

Are you asking other leaders questions?

In my interview with Michael Bungay-Stanier, he brought up a great point about leaders need to be curious to coach well. I believe we can take this to the next level.

10 Questions Leaders Must Ask Themselves

Leaders have a unique set of responsibilities. They’re responsible for the health of their teams. Leaders are also responsible for their own health.

Being a leader requires us to be conscious of these 2 facts. It also requires us to continuously ask ourselves questions.

Without asking questions, it’s easy for a leader to get off-track. You will lose sight of the endgame. You will be tossed to and fro. You will not reach your leadership potential.

So, what questions should a leader ask themselves? Here are 10 questions that every leader must ask themselves:

1. Why am I leading? You’re leading for a reason. Or at least you started out leading with a reason.

Asking yourself “Why am I leading?” will help you put the focus back where it belongs.

5 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves

Leadership is full of questions. Especially questions leaders should ask themselves.

These days it seems far too few leaders are asking themselves questions. They’re going with the flow and they’re missing the big picture.

Are you asking yourself questions?

Image by JD Hancock

Why Leaders Should Question Themselves

Leadership isn’t without pitfalls. We can easily find ourselves in compromising situations or making bad decisions.

This happens when we stop asking ourselves vital questions. Questions that look deep into our motives and propel us in the proper direction.

When leaders ask questions of themselves, they’re able to look within. And every leader could use a little more of this introspection.

The Questions Leaders Should Be Asking Themselves

1. Why am I really leading?: Asking ourselves why we lead cuts to the heart of the matter. We begin to see our motives.

Great Leaders Raise Questions

Many people think the job of a leader is to answer questions. People want answers and they’re looking to you for answers.

Great leaders do more than answering questions. They take leadership to the next level.

Leaders who know what they’re doing know leaders also need to raise questions of those they’re leading.

Don't think you have to have all the answers

Image by Roy Watts

Taking people by the hand and leading them from point A to point B is easy. This is the beginning stages of leadership.

Someone asks a question, you answer. Someone has a problem, you solve the issue.

Beginner leadership is all about being the go-to answer person.

Stepping deeper into leadership, great leaders begin to realize they have to do more than be an answer dispensing machine. Almost anyone can fill this role.

There’s a greater role to play than the answer-man. Leaders who have been in leadership long enough knows this truth.