4 Ways Positive Thinking Changes You

On a recent run, I listened to a fascinating book by Jon Gordon. That book was The Positive Dog.

Gordon shared the story a young dog who had been unadoptable at the pound. And he thought that he was going to be there the rest of his life.

Then, one day, an old, wise dog named Bubba stepped into his life. He shared with him the wisdom of thinking positive and how it could change lives.

Change your life with positive thinking

The book was a fun, short story about the power of positive thinking. It also got me thinking about my thoughts and whether I was thinking positively.

The truth is that I haven’t been thinking positive thoughts lately. I’d been pretty negative.

That needs to change. So, I’m remembering what happens when you begin to have positive thoughts.

Who Should You Bring Onto Your Team?

One of the biggest decisions a new, or even old, leader will make is who to hire and bring onto their team.

Few people understand how important hiring the right person is. They lack the insight to realize bringing the wrong person onto the team can damage the culture of the organization.

But don’t fear faithful reader, there’s something you can do when it’s time to bring someone new onto your team. It’s not easy and it’s going to take work but it’s well worth it.

So, what can you do to make a wise decision in the hiring process? I believe heeding the follow advice will help you in this leadership task.

Look for passion: Steve Jobs had it right when it came to hiring. He said in a Fortune interview that competence is the ante but the real issue was “Are they going to fall in love with Apple? Because if they fall in love with Apple, everything else will take care of itself.”