5 Ways To Find Balance In Work, Life, And Play

Last year was a year out of balance. I forgot how to find balance in work, life, and play. Things were out of whack and I felt the consequences of being out of balance.

My blog writing suffered. My health suffered. And my relationships suffered. All because I wasn’t balancing life in the right way.

Leaders need to find work life balance

I’ve begun a shift in my life where I’m finding more balance. I’m getting the important aspects of my life taken care of along with the business side.

You can too, my friend. This article will help you find balance in work, life, and play.

5 Ways To Find Balance In Work, Life, And Play

1. Create a list of what is important to you:

We often lose our balance in life because we have never listed out what is truly important in life. By creating a list of what is important to you (you can get a FREE downloadable template at the end of this article), you begin to mentally take note of what activities, people, and tasks should take priority in your life.

Go Waste Your Day

Our time is valuable. We all get that.

We also know we have a limited amount of time every day. We all get 24 hours or 1,440 minutes or 86,600 seconds.

Once those are gone, the day is done, never to be repeated again.

It's okay to waste your day

Image by JD Hancock

Because of this, we’re often told we need to make the most of each day. We’ve got to pack it with as much activity as we can muster.

It’s the way of productivity. It’s the way of the successful. It’s the way of the wise.

Waste The Day

It’s also the way of the dull. The boring. The stickler.

No one actually counts each second of their day. Few account for every minute they have.

Regardless of what people share online, we need to spend time wasting our days away once in awhile.

Know Who You Are

Society has created a generation of people who truly don’t know who they are. People have been floundering with their identities for years now. And it only seems to get worse.

The doubts and fears generations past have only continued to build momentum. This has caused us to doubt ourselves.

So many people don’t even know who they are. Let’s decide to change that this year.

You can know who you are

Image by JD Hancock

Not Knowing Who You Are Hurts

Being stuck in the daily grind has been soul-crushing. We’ve gone to work. We’ve punched the clock. We’ve done our duty.

And we’ve been left empty and wanting more.

Our jobs have left us unfulfilled. Our pastimes have left us knowing there’s more out there. Our society has left us confused as to who we truly are.