We Have To Help

I recently came across the story of Eric Kilburn Jr. He’s a great young man, by all accounts. Yet, he was in need.

His mother, Rebecca Kilburn, saw that Eric was struggling. Her 14-year-old son needed shoes. Not just any shoes but big shoes. Eric is 6’10” with size 23 feet.

He’s a monster of a young man.

Rebecca sent a call out to local and national media after she couldn’t find shoes that fit Eric. Eric had been wearing shoes that were a size too small. He couldn’t find cleats to play sports. It was frustrating to him and his family.

The media picked up on Eric’s plight. They began running news stories in various news outlets. Today, AOL, MLive, and other news outlets knew this would be a story that had to be told.

Looking For More In All The Wrong Places

For some odd reason, the Johnny Lee song Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places popped into my head. I’m not a big country fan (though we listened to a lot of it during drives with dad growing up) so I’m not sure why the song crossed my mind. However, it did. And as I examined the lyrics, I realized Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places could be applied to building our platforms.

Johnny Lee wrote Looking For Love, I’m guessing, because he was looking for love in all the wrong places. Makes sense, that’s what the song is called after all.

But the song is about love not platforms, you may say. That’s true, but his pursuit of love in the wrong places is often how we pursue the growth of our platforms.

Let’s take a look at some of the lyrics:

An Invitation To Guest Post Or Contribute An Article

As I’ve grown my platform at JMLalonde.com, I’ve had many bloggers ask if they could guest post on the site. It’s always an honor to be able to share my platform with others. In fact, I think it’s my responsibility to help others expand their reach. This is why I’m giving an invitation to guest post or contribute an article on the blog.

My posting schedule will continue to be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Guest posts will be in addition to these standard days and, for the most part, appear on Saturdays. Contributed posts may fall on any day of the week. This will allow me to continue sharing my knowledge and give you the opportunity to share yours with my community.

However, with that, I will have some guidelines. GUEST POSTING GUIDELINES:

The Difference Between Knowing And Taking Action

Gaining knowledge is so easy. It’s almost crazy.

We’ve got a wealth of books, seminars, and messages giving us the information we need to succeed. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming.

But we’re able to cram our brains with information and become knowledgeable.


Are you ready to swing the hammer? | Image via Creative Commons

That’s all well and good. We’re becoming smarter. We’re becoming experts.

And yet that is not enough.

There’s a difference between knowledge and taking action. They’re worlds apart.

Knowledge is filling your mind with new information.

Reading a new book. Going to the business class. Listening to the latest podcast.

Good, good stuff. But you can’t stop there.

But taking action is where it’s at.

We must begin to APPLY that knowledge. Until you do, you’re just a talking head.

Book Review- Platform: Get Noticed In A Noisy World by Michael Hyatt

This is a guest review by Kimanzi Constable who blogs about finding work that you love and chasing your dreams. He is a author, national speaker and life coach, you can read his blog here or follow him on Twitter here.

I have the privilege of being on Michael Hyatt’s Platform Launch Team (along with Joe), so I received an early copy of the book. This book could literally be an entire college course, it has that much value.

Michael Hyatt


About Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt is the former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the seventh largest publishing company in the world and the world’s largest Christian publishing company in the world; he is now the Chairman of Thomas Nelson.