The Long-Term Effects Of Paying Attention To Your Health

Becoming A Healthy Leader

After a months worth of content, you have a great idea of what it takes to BECOME a healthy leader. You need to make sure you’re exercising regularly, taking care of your mind, and tending to your soul.

These three areas are vital to the health of you and your ability to lead. But what are the long-term effects of paying attention to your health? There are plenty. And you need to know them to motivate you to maintain your healthy lifestyle. Paying attention to your health can be done in a number of ways, whether that’s by exercising regularly or taking supplements daily, or even if it’s something you think is a little more urgent and would require Chicago urgent care. Every little helps!

Take care of your health so you can lead better long-term

Photo by Bruno Nascimento

Let’s take a look at the long-term effects of paying attention to your health today. It matters more than you can believe and impacts your leadership greater than you thought.

How To Recover From Unhealthy Habits

Becoming A Healthy Leader

Your road to health and wellness isn’t one without its bumps. Afterall, you have a lifetime of unhealthy habits to recover from.

Whether you’re like me and you love to overeat and binge on junk food while watching Netflix or you just fail to exercise, your unhealthy habits will hinder you. You need to be aware of what your unhealthy habits are and how you can recover from them.

You can become healthy and recover from unhealthy habits

Photo by Holly Mandarich

By indulging in unhealthy habits, you put yourself in a position to have an unhealthy life. Your energy is zapped. You feel like lounging around the house rather than be active. And you begin to hate the way your body looks and feels.

The good news is you can change this. You can get rid of the unhealthy habits that are destroying your life and zapping the energy you need to lead well. Let’s take a look at some unhealthy habits you need to get rid of and how to recover from those unhealthy habits.

Leadership Lessons From Running A Half Marathon At 3AM

Why I Ran A Half Marathon At 3AM

Many months ago, my pastor came up with a crazy idea: Let’s run a half marathon! (For those of you who don’t know, a half marathon is 13.1 miles. That’s a long distance to go by foot.) That sounds crazy enough on its own. The next thing he said was: at 3 AM.

Wait… What? Did I just hear Pastor Ben right? He wants me to run a half marathon early in the morning? Well, he had. And I tentatively agreed.

half marathon leadership lessons

There was no firm commitment on my part. I think I said: I think I could do that.

Over the next couple of months, we did a couple of preparation runs. We started out at a 6 or 7 miler. Our last run together was 10 miles. That was two weeks before the half marathon.

I was cautious. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to accomplish the whole distance.

Take The Steps To Become A Better You

There’s not a person out there who doesn’t want to improve their lives. It’s engrained in us. We want to be the best that we can be.

So why do so few of us actually take the needed steps to improve our lives?

Do amazing things

Image by Rama V.

Much like anything else in life, I think the answer is we over complicate what really needs to be done to be better.

We formulate grand schemes. We layout everything at once. We look at the big picture.

And then we get hit with the overwhelm.

Taking a look at the overall plan, we see no way to better ourselves. We become paralyzed with analysis paralysis.

Just like our answers should be simple, we can break down a better you through baby steps. Eventually, the baby steps will snowball into breakthrough.

Change Your Life By Creating Mental Triggers

There have been many times in my life when I’ve wanted to implement change but lacked the secret sauce to create the change. But now, I think I’ve found the secret to making lasting change in my life.

Image by Laszlo Ilyes

Image by Laszlo Ilyes

Every day we do simple things that could remind us to take the step towards change. I like to call these actions a mental trigger.

What Is A Mental Trigger?

Mental triggers are anything you use to signal your brain to take action. Anything you do on a frequent enough basis that could help you form a habit.

Personally, I have a couple of mental triggers I’ve used to create focused change in my life. Anything from walking through a doorway to going to the bathroom.

The mental trigger goes off and I know I have a task to do.