Who Is On Your Team?

Changing the course of your life and making the new year your best one ever is tough as it is. Sometimes we make change even tougher than it has to be.

Why is that? It’s because we keep the wrong people on our teams. We believe we have to take everyone along for our transformational journies…

Team of climbers climbing mountain

Photo by Mathias Jensen

When you don’t have to. You can change up your team. You put some people on the bench, “trade” them, or bring new people onto the team.

But knowing who is on your team will do you well. You need to know who is on your team and what their positions are.

Who Is On Your Team?

Like a good sports team, you need to have certain key players. Baseball teams require you to have:

  • Pitcher
  • Catcher
  • First baseman
  • Second baseman

Making This Your Best Year Ever

This past year might have been a year full of struggles. You may have faced overwhelming business challenges. You may have gone through a relationship breakup. Or you might have lost your home due to reasons beyond your control.

Steps for making this your best year ever

Photo by Zoe Lin

But maybe last year wasn’t so bad. Maybe it was one of your best years ever. You may have finally discovered what you were created to do. There may have been a fantastic job transition which changed your life. Or maybe you welcomed your first child into your family.

Whatever last year brought you, you still want more in this new year. Who doesn’t? We always want to make the future better for ourselves and for those around us.

Don’t be ashamed for wanting more or better. This desire is natural and okay. Your desire for better will drive you to do your best to achieve all that you desire.

15 Great Quotes For Leaders In The New Year

Quotes are great. They give you quick, bite-sized pieces of wisdom you can quickly digest.

John Maxwell, Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, and many other leaders have had their words pieced into quaint little says you can apply in your daily lives. But what about the new year? Are there quotes leaders can use as they begin the new year? Of course there are.

Great quotes to start off the new year

Image by Evan Rummel

Let’s take a look at a few of the great quotes for leaders in the new year.

15 Great Quotes For Leaders In The New Year

1. Sarah Ban Breathnach:

New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.