Dealing With Negative Changes

Leading Through Change

Change is coming. Some of the change will be good change. Maybe you’re getting a raise or a promotion. Maybe you’re finally getting married. Or maybe you just paid off your mortgage (if you want to see how long it will take to pay off your mortgage, you can use one of these mortgage calculators).

There are good changes. These changes are the ones that are typically easy to navigate and lead through.

Man in a black, long-sleeved shirt holding his face

Photo by Francisco Moreno

But what happens when there is negative change? What do you do then?

We will all face negative change. This change will challenge you and make you squirm. It’ll tell you that you’re not good enough or you’re not wanted.

Yet you can navigate through the negative change. YOU can make it through!

Dealing With Negative Changes

Negative changes will come at you hard. They’ll make your head spin and wonder what you’re going to do.