Make Every Day Special

Ruts are easy to get into.

We begin with thinking that everyone is out to get us or maybe it’s that no one is for you. We let the negative thoughts slip into our minds.

Doing so hurts us in more ways than one. But a major way our negative thoughts robs us is in the way it makes our days less special.

What makes your day special?

Simple pleasures make every day special

Every Day Is Special

Even in the mundaneness of our days, each day we have is something marvelous.

Most of us are able to run and jump and play and have fun. We are able to take deep breaths of fresh air. We’re able to look up and see the bright blue sky or the awe-inspiring darkness of night.

Fill The Void

Vacuums, the absence of matter not the household appliance, are an amazing phenomenon.

A vacuum is a space where there is no matter. On Earth, nature doesn’t like a vacuum. So outside pressure will try to push particles into the vacuum to fill the empty space inside of the vacuum.

Interesting, huh?

Our lives our like a vacuum.

We’ll clear out a couple of bad habits. We’ll feel good about ourselves. We’ll think we’re doing great.

Except we forgot to fill the empty space created by ridding ourselves of the bad habits.

There will be a void left in our lives. An empty space longing to be filled. And it will find something to fill itself with.

We must fill that void or the bad habits will come back with a vengeance.